My company says that my role is defined as what is called a "Functional Consultant", whatever that means. We basically gather requirements from clients who look to implement some business application like Oracle Apps or SAP, and try to map these requirements to the features available in the application.
Some clients have a clear knowledge of what they want while some need to be prodded and pushed to make them them understand as to what best fits their business needs.
There is a third kind of species who believe that a computer was simply invented to replace humans in the future. Read Scott Adam's (That brilliant cartoonist/satarist) Dilbert strip below to understand what I am trying to say. (Click on the picture below to see an enlarged view)
Life in an IT firm truly sucks big time :-(P.S: The cartoon strip may not showcase the true happenings literally, but people who have been/are in my shoes will definitely understand what I am trying to say
Dilbert just hits the nail on the head :)
Nice write up. Sometimes clients come up with such weird requirements!!!
Deepti - Glad to know that you also feel the same :)
And it's even more wierd when such requirements come from people in the IT firm!
I'm a big fan of Dilbert strips, though I'm still a student. Satire at its very best. Havn't you checked Scott Adam's blog,
Thomas - Yes, Dilbert strips are just great. They even have a character called "Asok" which was a take-off on the IIt-ians!
I haven't checked Scott Adam's blog really. Will do that soon :-)
Oh yeah. I understand what you say perfectly. Dilbert just makes everything so clear :)
Philip: Thanx for visiting :-)
Tagged :) See the tag in my blog
oops..i have tagged you the same!!:-O
@ deepti, mathew: Yo..The tag is done.
lol, nice one...check this out tho
check out the archive. tim is AWESOME!
@g-man - Thanx for sharing the link. Will check it out :)
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